Obadia Bishoge | Environmental Health | Best Researcher Award

🌟Dr. Obadia Bishoge, Environmental Health, Best Researcher Award🏆

 Doctorate at National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzania, Tanzania

Professional Profiles:

Dr. Obadia Kyetuza BISHOGE is a Tanzanian national currently serving as a Research Officer at the National Institute for Medical Research in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. With a diverse educational background, including a PhD in Environmental Management, Dr. BISHOGE has dedicated his career to environmental research and sustainable development.

Orcid Profile

Google Scholar Profile


PhD in Environmental Management (2019-2022):

Pan African University Life and Earth Sciences Institute, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

MEng with Distinction in Environmental Science and Engineering (2016-2019):

University of Science and Technology Beijing, China.

BA with Honors in Geography and Environmental Studies (2008-2011):

University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Research Focus:

Dr. BISHOGE’s research primarily focuses on environmental health, sustainability, and the intersection of natural resources and development. Specific areas of interest include environmental impact assessments, renewable energy, community participation in the natural gas sector, and climate-smart agricultural practices.

Professional Journey:

Research Officer (Apr. 2020 – Present):

National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzania.

Environment Officer (Feb. 2014 – Apr. 2020):

Masasi District Council, Tanzania.

Acting Head of Environment Department (Feb. 2014 – May 2016):

Masasi District Council, Tanzania.

Ward Executive Officer (Dec. 2012 – Feb. 2014):

Masasi District Council, Tanzania.

Honors & Awards:

Pan African University Scholarship (2019-2022):

Awarded for PhD studies in Nigeria.

Excellent Graduate Student (2019):

Recognized at the University of Science and Technology Beijing, China.

China Government Scholarship (2016-2019):

Awarded for Master’s studies in China.

Publications Top Noted & Contributions:

Dr. BISHOGE has contributed significantly to the field through numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals, covering topics such as mining and sustainable development, climate-smart agricultural practices, hand hygiene practices among students, and challenges in sustainable water supply.

Title: The potential renewable energy for sustainable development in Tanzania: A review

  • Authors: OK Bishoge, L Zhang, WG Mushi
  • Journal: Clean Technologies
  • Volume: 1 (1)
  • Pages: 70-88
  • Year: 2018
  • Citations: 101

Title: Remediation of water and wastewater by using engineered nanomaterials: a review

  • Authors: OK Bishoge, L Zhang, SL Suntu, H Jin, AA Zewde, Z Qi
  • Journal: Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A
  • Volume: 53 (6)
  • Pages: 537-554
  • Year: 2018
  • Citations: 60

Title: Influence of technology transfer on performance and sustainability of standard gauge railway in developing countries

  • Authors: SM Chege, D Wang, SL Suntu, OK Bishoge
  • Journal: Technology in Society
  • Volume: 56
  • Pages: 79-92
  • Year: 2019
  • Citations: 45

Title: Renewable energy for sustainable development in sub-Saharan African countries: Challenges and way forward

  • Authors: OK Bishoge, GG Kombe, BN Mvile
  • Journal: Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
  • Volume: 12 (5)
  • Year: 2020
  • Citations: 40

Title: Challenges facing sustainable water supply, sanitation and hygiene achievement in urban areas in sub-Saharan Africa

  • Author: OK Bishoge
  • Journal: Local Environment
  • Volume: 26 (7)
  • Pages: 893-907

Author Metrics:


The number of citations indicates how many times a researcher’s work (papers, articles, etc.) has been cited by other researchers. In this case, the first entity has 466 citations, and the second entity has 449 citations.


The h-index is a measure of both the productivity and impact of a researcher’s work. It represents the number of papers (h) that have received at least h citations. For example, if a researcher has an h-index of 12, it means that they have 12 papers, each of which has been cited at least 12 times.


The i10-index is specific to Google Scholar and represents the number of publications (articles, papers, etc.) that have at least 10 citations. In this case, the first entity has an i10-index of 13, suggesting that they have at least 13 publications with 10 or more citations.

Research Timeline:

PhD Research Project (2020 – 2022):

Environmental health knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors among secondary school students in Mtwara-Mikindani Municipality, Tanzania.

MEng Research Project (2016-2019):

Assessment of natural gas policy implementation in developing countries.

BA Research Project (2011):

Factors for the growth of floriculture in Kinondoni Municipality, Dar es Salaam city.

Dr. Obadia Kyetuza BISHOGE is a dedicated researcher with a strong academic background and a commitment to addressing environmental challenges in Tanzania. His contributions to the scientific community reflect a comprehensive understanding of environmental issues and a passion for sustainable development.


Luisa Massaccesi | Recovery of degraded soils | Best Researcher Award

🌟Dr. Luisa Massaccesi, Recovery of degraded soils, Best Researcher Award🏆

 Doctorate at CNR-ISAFOM, Italy

Professional Profiles:

Bio Summary:

Luisa Massaccesi, an Italian researcher specializing in soil science and environmental microbiology. I hold a Ph.D. in Environmental Sustainability and have been actively involved in various research projects, contributing significantly to the understanding of soil-plant interactions, microbial communities, and the impact of agricultural practices on soil health.


Ph.D. in Environmental Sustainability

University of Perugia, Italy

Thesis Title: “Metals Mobility in Soil-Plant System”

Master’s in Defense of Agro-Food and Environmental Resources

University of Perugia, Italy

Bachelor’s in Sciences and Technologies of Cultivations

University of Perugia, Italy

Research Focus:

Luisa Massaccesi, research has primarily focused on the following areas:

Soil-Plant Interactions: Studied the dynamics of metals in soil-plant systems, with a focus on heavy metal mobility and accumulation in different soil types.

Microbial Ecology: Investigated the microbial communities in various environments, including soil, and their responses to different agricultural practices, antibiotic resistance, and environmental stressors.

Biochar Applications: Explored the use of biochar produced from woody materials as a soil amendment for fertility recovery, as well as its potential in mitigating heavy metal and aromatic hydrocarbon contamination.

Altitudinal and Vegetation Impact: Explored how altitude and vegetation affect soil organic carbon, microbial biomass, and basal respiration in forest soils.

Professional Journey:

Current Position: Researcher (III level) at the National Research Council (CNR) – Institute for Agricultural and Forestry Systems of the Mediterranean (ISAFOM), Perugia.

Previous Positions: Assegnista di Ricerca (Research Fellow) at the University of Tuscia, and Borsista (Fellow) at the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Umbria and Marche.

International Experience: Trained at The Manchester University (UK) on the role of radical exudates in plant response to drought and climate warming.

Honors & Awards:

Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN): Obtained qualification as an associate professor in Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Genetics, and Pedology.

Affiliations: Member of the Italian Society of Soil Science (SISS), International Humic Substances Society (IHSS), and Italian Society of Pedology (SIPE).

Publications Top Noted & Contributions:

Authored 42 ‘peer-reviewed’ publications in indexed scientific journals with an H-index of 19.

Reviewed manuscripts for reputable journals such as Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Geoderma, PLOS ONE, and more.

Title: Co-treatment of fruit and vegetable waste in sludge digesters. An analysis of the relationship among bio-methane generation, process stability and digestate phytotoxicity

Authors: F Di Maria, A Sordi, G Cirulli, G Gigliotti, L Massaccesi, M Cucina

Journal: Waste Management

Volume: 34, Issue: 9

Pages: 1603-1608

Year: 2014

Citations: 118

Title: Long-term distribution, mobility and plant availability of compost-derived heavy metals in a landfill covering soil

Authors: D Businelli, L Massaccesi, D Said-Pullicino, G Gigliotti

Journal: Science of the Total Environment

Volume: 407, Issue: 4

Pages: 1426-1435

Year: 2009

Citations: 115

Title: Rhizosphere effect of three plant species of environment under periglacial conditions (Majella Massif, central Italy)

Authors: L Massaccesi, GMN Benucci, G Gigliotti, S Cocco, G Corti, A Agnelli

Journal: Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Volume: 89

Pages: 184-195

Year: 2015

Citations: 78

Title: Chemical characterisation of percolate and digestate during the hybrid solid anaerobic digestion batch process

Authors: L Massaccesi, A Sordi, C Micale, M Cucina, C Zadra, F Di Maria

Journal: Process Biochemistry

Volume: 48, Issue: 9

Pages: 1361-1367

Year: 2013

Citations: 78

Title: Gas emissions during olive mill waste composting under static pile conditions

Authors: L Nasini, G De Luca, A Ricci, F Ortolani, A Caselli, L Massaccesi, L Regni

Journal: International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation

Volume: 107

Pages: 70-76

Author Metrics:

Total Citations: 1000

H-index: 19

Research Timeline:

2015-2018: Researcher at the University of Perugia, focusing on soil-plant interactions in different pedoclimatic environments.

2013-2015: Assegnista di Ricerca at the University of Perugia, studying organic carbon sequestration in olive-cultivated soils.

2010-2012: Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Perugia, contributing to projects on integrated environmental enhancement of organic residues.

2007-2009: Doctoral research on heavy metal pollution in soil-plant systems, including a research period at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility.

Eria Serwajja | Environmental Hazards | Best Researcher Award

🌟Dr. Eria Serwajja, Environmental Hazards, Best Researcher Award🏆

Doctorate at Makerere University, Uganda

Professional Profiles:

Bio Summary:

Eria Serwajja, PhD., is a Ugandan academic and researcher specializing in Development Studies. He currently serves as a Lecturer at Makerere University, Uganda. With a diverse educational background and a commitment to addressing social and environmental issues, Serwajja has contributed significantly to research and academia.


Post-doctoral fellow at Makerere University Kampala (2017–2019).

PhD in Development Studies from the University of the Western Cape (2011–2014).

Master of Philosophy in Development Studies from NTNU, Norway (2006–2008).

Bachelor of Urban Planning from Makerere University.

Research Focus:

Serwajja’s research has primarily focused on the environmental, social, and economic intricacies of artisanal gold mining, land grabbing in post-conflict regions, and gender-based violence related to oil industry developments. He has actively participated in projects examining humanitarianism in protracted crises, political participation of women in Africa, and environmental issues associated with extractive industries.

Professional Journey:

Currently a Lecturer at the Department of Development Studies, Makerere University (since 2015).

Research Collaboration at Makerere University (2015-2019).

Researcher at the Centre of Excellence in Food Security (2013-2014).

Program Coordinator for Young African Researchers in Agriculture [YARA] (2014-2021).

Honors & Awards:

Recipient of various research grants, including NORGLOBAL funding for the ‘Holding aid accountable’ project.

Awards include Doctoral Dissertation Completion Fellowship from the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) and Young African Scholars Grant from The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation.

Publications Top Noted & Contributions:

Authored and co-authored numerous research papers on topics such as artisanal gold mining, land grabbing, and gender-based violence.

Contributions to conferences and workshops on displacement, environmental justice, and sustainable development.

Book Chapter: “Self-reliance and refugee economics in Uganda” (2023)

  • Authors: Serwajja, E., Refstie, H.
  • Handbook on Forced Migration, pp. 363–376
  • Not yet cited

Article (Open Access):Environmental, health and safety intricacies of artisanal mining in the gold-rich landscapes of Karamoja, north-eastern Uganda” (2021)

  • Authors: Serwajja, E., Mukwaya, P.I.
  • Journal of Sustainable Mining, 20(2), pp. 90–108
  • 1 citation

Article:Condemned to the periphery: The lived experiences of women in artisanal gold mining activities in Karamoja sub-region, Uganda” (2020)

  • Authors: Serwajja, E., Mukwaya, P.I.
  • Extractive Industries and Society, 7(4), pp. 1511–1524
  • 10 citations

Article (Open Access):Urban growth of Kampala, Uganda: Pattern analysis and scenario development” (2012)

  • Authors: Vermeiren, K., Van Rompaey, A., Loopmans, M., Serwajja, E., Mukwaya, P.
  • Landscape and Urban Planning, 106(2), pp. 199–206
  • 175 citations

Author Metrics:

Citations: 186 by 185 documents

h-index: 2

Research Timeline:

2006–2008: Master’s research on childhood experiences in Gulu, Northern Uganda.

2011–2014: PhD research on land grabbing in post-conflict Amuru District, Northern Uganda.

2017–2019: Post-doctoral research on the intricacies of artisanal gold mining in Moroto District, Karamoja region.

2018–2020: Investigated gender-based conflicts triggered by the emerging oil industry in mid-western Uganda.

Eria Serwajja’s professional journey reflects a commitment to addressing pressing social and environmental challenges through research and academic contributions. His work has garnered recognition, and he continues to actively engage in collaborative projects that contribute to the development studies field.