Bo Xie | Envrionmental pollution | Best Researcher Award

šŸŒŸDr. Bo Xie, Envrionmental pollution , Best Researcher AwardšŸ†

Doctorate at Kunming University of Science and Technology, China

Bo Xie is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Kunming University of Science and Technology. With a strong academic background in economics, his research primarily focuses on resource and environmental economics, industrial economics, and applied econometrics. He has a rich history of contributions to his field, reflected through numerous publications and active participation in various research projects.

Author Metrics

Scopus Profile

ORCID Profile

Bo Xie has an impressive track record of published works, including multiple journal articles and books in both Chinese and international publications. His research is well-cited, indicating a significant impact on the academic community in areas related to environmental economics, technological innovation, and regional economic development.

Citations: 14 citations by 14 documents.

Documents: 2 documents.

h-index: 2 (The h-index measures both the productivity and citation impact of the publications.)


Bo Xie earned his PhD in Quantitative Economics from Chongqing University in March 2009. Prior to this, he completed his MA in National Economics at Kunming University of Science and Technology in September 2006, and his BS in Marketing from Liaoning Shihua University in September 1997. His academic journey has been marked by a deepening focus on the intersections of economics, resource management, and technological innovation.

Research Focus

Bo Xie’s research interests span across several critical areas of economics, including resource and environmental economics, industrial economics, regional economics, and applied econometrics. His work often explores the impacts of technological innovation and environmental regulation on economic efficiency and regional development, with a particular focus on China.

Professional Journey

Bo Xie began his academic career as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Kunming University of Science and Technology in August 2012. He was promoted to Associate Professor in November 2015. Over the years, he has built a reputation for his expertise in environmental and regional economics, contributing valuable insights through his teaching and research.

Honors & Awards

Throughout his career, Bo Xie has received numerous accolades for his research contributions. He has secured significant funding from prestigious institutions, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Yunnan Provincial Education Office Scientific Research Foundation, highlighting his role as a leading researcher in his field.

Publications Noted & Contributions

Bo Xie has authored numerous influential journal articles and books. Notable publications include studies on the impact of trade openness and technological innovation on carbon emission performance, and the effects of environmental regulation on the service industryā€™s global value chain. His books, such as “Research on Spatial Temporal Dynamics of the Environmental Carrying Capacity” and “Study on the Problems of Chinaā€™s Regional Resource Curse,” further establish his expertise and contribution to the field.

Digital Economy, Structural Deviation, and Regional Carbon Emissions
  • Authors: Xie, B., Liu, R., Dwivedi, R.
  • Journal: Journal of Cleaner Production
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Volume and Article Number: Volume 434, Article 139890
  • Citations: 4
  • Access: Open access


This article likely investigates the relationship between the digital economy and regional carbon emissions, focusing on how structural deviations in economic activities might impact environmental outcomes. The research may analyze data across different regions to identify patterns and propose strategies for mitigating carbon emissions through digital economic transformations.

2. Evaluation, Comparison, and Unique Features of Ecological Security in Southwest China: A Case Study of Yunnan Province
  • Authors: Xie, B., Jones, P., Dwivedi, R., Bao, L., Liang, R.
  • Journal: Ecological Indicators
  • Publication Year: 2023
  • Volume and Article Number: Volume 153, Article 110453
  • Citations: 10


This study evaluates the ecological security of Yunnan Province in southwest China. It compares various ecological indicators to identify unique features and potential vulnerabilities within the region. The research aims to provide insights into how ecological security can be maintained and improved in similar geographical and environmental contexts.

Research Timeline

  • PhD (2009): Completed PhD in Quantitative Economics from Chongqing University.
  • Assistant Professor (2012-2015): Served as Assistant Professor at Kunming University of Science and Technology.
  • Associate Professor (2015-present): Promoted to Associate Professor at the same institution.

Collaborations and Projects

Bo Xie has collaborated with various scholars and participated in multiple research projects funded by significant grants. His notable projects include research on the ecological carrying capacity and economic development in Western China, funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. These collaborations and projects have enabled him to contribute to critical discussions and solutions related to economic and environmental sustainability.

Bo Xie’s academic and professional journey is marked by a continuous commitment to advancing knowledge in economics, particularly in the context of environmental and regional challenges. His extensive research, numerous publications, and active participation in collaborative projects underscore his role as a prominent figure in his field.

Yao Tsoekeo Amedokpo | Transport and Mobility | Best Researcher Award

šŸŒŸDr. Yao Tsoekeo Amedokpo, Transport and Mobility, Best Researcher AwardšŸ†

Doctorate at Laboratoire Ville MobilitƩ Transport/Ecole Nationale des Ponts et ChaussƩes, France

Yao Tsoekeo Amedokpo is a GeographyPhD and a research fellow at the City Mobility Transport Laboratory at the Ɖcole des Ponts Paris Tech (ENPC). His research focuses on the role of new mobilities in the Global South, particularly examining the trajectories of electromobility in Africa. He has been actively involved in projects such as NexMob2, supported by the Renault Foundation and ParisTech consortium, and has set up the first Observatory of Electric Mobility in Africa.

Author Metrics

Amedokpo has published several articles in reputable journals, contributing valuable insights into electric mobility in Africa. Notable publications include “Electrifying African motorcycles: insights into emerging projects, ecosystems, and business models” and “Tracking early adoption of electric motorcycles: The mototaxi ridersā€™ experience in LomĆ©, TRD.”

ORCID Profile


Amedokpo holds a PhD in Geography from the University of LomĆ©, Togo, along with a Master’s degree in Geography, Planning, Environment, and Development from the University of Paris, France. His educational background equips him with a strong foundation in understanding geographical dynamics and developmental issues.

Research Focus

Amedokpo’s research primarily revolves around exploring the dynamics of motorization in the Global South, with a specific emphasis on the adoption and integration of electromobility solutions in Africa. He investigates various aspects, including stakeholders, markets, business models, public policies, and user experiences related to electric mobility.

Professional Journey

With extensive experience in academia and research, Amedokpo has held positions such as Research Fellow and Research Officer at the City Mobility Transport Laboratory/Ɖcole des Ponts Paris Tech (ENPC). He has also worked as a Junior Consultant at the World Bank, contributing to projects related to coastal areas management and natural hazards in West Africa.

Publications Noted & Contributions

Amedokpo has made significant contributions to the academic literature through his publications on electric mobility in Africa. His research articles provide insights into emerging projects, ecosystems, business models, and the experiences of users and stakeholders in adopting electric vehicles in African contexts.

“Tracking early adoption of electric motorcycles: The mototaxi ridersā€™ experience in LomĆ©”

  • Published in: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
  • Date: 2024-04-21
  • DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2024.104184
  • Contributors: Yao Tsoekeo Amedokpo

“What Place for Electric Vehicles as a Research Object and a Practical Alternative to Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles in Africa? Toward a Research Agenda Based on a Systematic Literature Review and a Census of Electromobility Projects”

  • Published in: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
  • Date: 2023-03
  • DOI: 10.1177/03611981221116355
  • Contributors: Yao Tsoekeo Amedokpo; Virginie Boutueil

“Lā€™intĆ©gration des motos Ć©lectriques dans les systĆØmes de transport urbain en Afrique”

  • Published in: La motocyclette dans tous ses Ć©tats en Afrique
  • Date: 2022
  • Contributors: Yao Tsoekeo Amedokpo; Virginie Boutueil

“Study of Informal Passenger Transport Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa. Antananarivo Case Study. Report for the SSATP (World Bank and Agence FranƧaise de DĆ©veloppement)”

  • Date: 2021
  • Contributors: Yao Tsoekeo Amedokpo; Virginie Boutueil; Thomas Quillerier

“Study of Informal Passenger Transport Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa. Kampala Case Study. Report for the SSATP (World Bank and Agence FranƧaise de DĆ©veloppement)”

  • Date: 2021
  • Contributors: Yao Tsoekeo Amedokpo; Virginie Boutueil; Thomas Quillerier

“Le dĆ©guerpissement comme enjeu de production de l’espace a LomĆ© : entre rupture ou continuitĆ© d’une pratique”

  • Published in: Book chapter
  • Date: 2019
  • Contributors: Yao Tsoekeo Amedokpo; Wonou Oladokoun

Research Timeline

Amedokpo’s research journey includes key milestones such as completing his PhD in Geography, joining research projects like NexMob2, setting up the Observatory of Electric Mobility in Africa, and publishing notable articles in respected journals. These milestones highlight his dedication to advancing knowledge in the field of sustainable transport.

Collaborations and Projects

Amedokpo has collaborated with various institutions and researchers on projects related to sustainable transport and urban development. His involvement in initiatives like the NexMob2 project, expertise missions for organizations like AFD and SSATP, and teaching activities in academic institutions demonstrate his interdisciplinary approach and commitment to addressing mobility challenges in Africa and beyond.

Mehrzad Shams| PEM Fuel Cell | Best Researcher Award

šŸŒŸ Prof. Mehrzad Shams, K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Iran: PEM Fuel CellšŸ†

Professional Profiles:

Bio Summary:

Dr. Mehrzad Shams is a highly accomplished professor with extensive experience in the field of Mechanical Engineering, specializing in Thermofluid and Energy Conversion. He is currently a Professor at K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. With a diverse background in academia, industry, and consultancy, Dr. Shams has made significant contributions to the understanding of multiphase flows, heat transfer, and energy systems. His expertise extends to areas such as CFD simulations, renewable energy, and the design of power plants.


  • B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (Thermofluid), Petroleum University, 1991.
  • M.S. in Energy Conversion, Sharif University of Technology, 1994.
  • Ph.D. in Energy Conversion from Clarkson University (USA) and Amirkabir University of Technology, 2001.

Research Focus:

Dr. Shams’ current research interests include:

  • Two Phase Boiling Heat Transfer in MEMS
  • Heat Transfer Enhancement Caused by Nano Particle Injection
  • PEM Fuel Cell Flooding Problems
  • Thermo Economy Design of Hybrid Fuel Cell and Gas Turbine
  • Generating Heat from Waste Using Hot Fluidized Bed
  • Bio-Mechanical Engineering

Professional Journey:

  • Industrial Experience:
    • National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), Engineering and Construction, South West Oil Fields, Ahvaz
    • Sadid Industrial Group, Karun III Dam, Karun I Dam, and small hydropower projects
    • MAPNA (EPC Contractor of Power Plants), South Pars Gas Field, Phase I, Utility Part
    • Water and Power Resources Development CO., Development Projects
  • Consultantship:
    • Power and Water Resources Development Company
    • Mapna General Contractor (Pars Gas Field Project)
    • Sadid Tadbir Consultant Engineers (CFD Simulation of Dams)
    • Nehadab Consultant Engineers
    • Renewable Energy Design
  • Academic Experience:
    • Teaching and research roles at Sharif University of Technology, Amirkabir University, Azad Islamic University, and K.N. Toosi University of Technology.
    • Visiting Scholar at Clarkson University, New York, USA.
    • Guest Professor at the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, University of Toronto.

Honors & Awards:

  • Registration Number 81921 for the “Porous Burner Test Stand” patent by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Iranian Science and Tech. Research Organization.
  • Various grants for feasibility studies, design, and research projects.

Publications Top Noted & Contributions:

  • Author of multiple journal papers, including but not limited to publications in Energy Reports, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, and many more.
  • Author of books such as “Fundamentals of Small Hydro Powers” and “Multiphase Flow in Process Industry.”
Title: Experimental study of the stable region of electrospray of ethanol-water mixtures with different concentrations by high-speed imaging
  • Authors: Bagherian Dehaghi, M., Shams, M., Sohani, F., Naderi, P.
  • Journal: Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 2023, 8, 100541
  • Citations: 0
Title: Multi-objective optimization of a double tapered flow field Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel cell
  • Authors: Farokhi, E., Ghasabehi, M., Shams, M.
  • Journal: Energy Reports, 2023, 10, pp. 1652ā€“1671
  • Citations: 1
Title: Enhancement in the pool boiling heat transfer of copper surface by applying electrophoretic deposited graphene oxide coatings
  • Authors: Alimoradi, H., Shams, M., Ashgriz, N.
  • Journal: International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2023, 159, 104350
  • Citations: 10
Title: Multi-objective optimization of two-phase flow in the proton exchange membrane fuel cells based on a data-driven surrogate model
  • Authors: Ghasabehi, M., Farokhi, E., Shams, M.
  • Journal: Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2023
  • Citations: 0
Title: Numerical investigation and deep learning-based prediction of heat transfer characteristics and bubble dynamics of subcooled flow boiling in a vertical tube
  • Authors: Eskandari, E., Alimoradi, H., Pourbagian, M., Shams, M.
  • Journal: Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2022, 39(12), pp. 3227ā€“3245
  • Citations: 14

Author Metrics:

  • Dr. Shams has a significant body of work with numerous publications in reputable journals.
  • His research contributions span various areas, including multiphase flow, heat transfer, fuel cells, and renewable energy.
  • He has actively participated in national and international conferences, contributing to the academic community.
  • Total Citations: 2,394
  • Documents: 125
  • h-index: 27

Research Timeline:

  • 1992-1993: Teaching assistance of advanced fluid dynamics at Sharif University of Technology.
  • 1998-2000: Visiting Scholar at Clarkson University, New York, USA.
  • 2003-2015: Faculty Member (Associate Prof.) at K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
  • 2015-2016: Guest Professor at the University of Toronto.
  • 2016-Now: Faculty Member (Prof.) at K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.