Luisa Massaccesi | Recovery of degraded soils | Best Researcher Award

🌟Dr. Luisa Massaccesi, Recovery of degraded soils, Best Researcher Award🏆

 Doctorate at CNR-ISAFOM, Italy

Professional Profiles:

Bio Summary:

Luisa Massaccesi, an Italian researcher specializing in soil science and environmental microbiology. I hold a Ph.D. in Environmental Sustainability and have been actively involved in various research projects, contributing significantly to the understanding of soil-plant interactions, microbial communities, and the impact of agricultural practices on soil health.


Ph.D. in Environmental Sustainability

University of Perugia, Italy

Thesis Title: “Metals Mobility in Soil-Plant System”

Master’s in Defense of Agro-Food and Environmental Resources

University of Perugia, Italy

Bachelor’s in Sciences and Technologies of Cultivations

University of Perugia, Italy

Research Focus:

Luisa Massaccesi, research has primarily focused on the following areas:

Soil-Plant Interactions: Studied the dynamics of metals in soil-plant systems, with a focus on heavy metal mobility and accumulation in different soil types.

Microbial Ecology: Investigated the microbial communities in various environments, including soil, and their responses to different agricultural practices, antibiotic resistance, and environmental stressors.

Biochar Applications: Explored the use of biochar produced from woody materials as a soil amendment for fertility recovery, as well as its potential in mitigating heavy metal and aromatic hydrocarbon contamination.

Altitudinal and Vegetation Impact: Explored how altitude and vegetation affect soil organic carbon, microbial biomass, and basal respiration in forest soils.

Professional Journey:

Current Position: Researcher (III level) at the National Research Council (CNR) – Institute for Agricultural and Forestry Systems of the Mediterranean (ISAFOM), Perugia.

Previous Positions: Assegnista di Ricerca (Research Fellow) at the University of Tuscia, and Borsista (Fellow) at the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Umbria and Marche.

International Experience: Trained at The Manchester University (UK) on the role of radical exudates in plant response to drought and climate warming.

Honors & Awards:

Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN): Obtained qualification as an associate professor in Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Genetics, and Pedology.

Affiliations: Member of the Italian Society of Soil Science (SISS), International Humic Substances Society (IHSS), and Italian Society of Pedology (SIPE).

Publications Top Noted & Contributions:

Authored 42 ‘peer-reviewed’ publications in indexed scientific journals with an H-index of 19.

Reviewed manuscripts for reputable journals such as Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Geoderma, PLOS ONE, and more.

Title: Co-treatment of fruit and vegetable waste in sludge digesters. An analysis of the relationship among bio-methane generation, process stability and digestate phytotoxicity

Authors: F Di Maria, A Sordi, G Cirulli, G Gigliotti, L Massaccesi, M Cucina

Journal: Waste Management

Volume: 34, Issue: 9

Pages: 1603-1608

Year: 2014

Citations: 118

Title: Long-term distribution, mobility and plant availability of compost-derived heavy metals in a landfill covering soil

Authors: D Businelli, L Massaccesi, D Said-Pullicino, G Gigliotti

Journal: Science of the Total Environment

Volume: 407, Issue: 4

Pages: 1426-1435

Year: 2009

Citations: 115

Title: Rhizosphere effect of three plant species of environment under periglacial conditions (Majella Massif, central Italy)

Authors: L Massaccesi, GMN Benucci, G Gigliotti, S Cocco, G Corti, A Agnelli

Journal: Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Volume: 89

Pages: 184-195

Year: 2015

Citations: 78

Title: Chemical characterisation of percolate and digestate during the hybrid solid anaerobic digestion batch process

Authors: L Massaccesi, A Sordi, C Micale, M Cucina, C Zadra, F Di Maria

Journal: Process Biochemistry

Volume: 48, Issue: 9

Pages: 1361-1367

Year: 2013

Citations: 78

Title: Gas emissions during olive mill waste composting under static pile conditions

Authors: L Nasini, G De Luca, A Ricci, F Ortolani, A Caselli, L Massaccesi, L Regni

Journal: International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation

Volume: 107

Pages: 70-76

Author Metrics:

Total Citations: 1000

H-index: 19

Research Timeline:

2015-2018: Researcher at the University of Perugia, focusing on soil-plant interactions in different pedoclimatic environments.

2013-2015: Assegnista di Ricerca at the University of Perugia, studying organic carbon sequestration in olive-cultivated soils.

2010-2012: Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Perugia, contributing to projects on integrated environmental enhancement of organic residues.

2007-2009: Doctoral research on heavy metal pollution in soil-plant systems, including a research period at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility.