Valentina Yank | Marine geology and palaeontology

 🏆Congratulations to Prof Dr. Valentina Yank on Achieving the Best Researcher Award🌟🏆

  • Prof Dr. Valentina Yanko, Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University (ONU), Ukraine: Marine geology and palaeontology

Heartiest congratulations on achieving the esteemed title of Best Researcher Award! 🏆 by ScienceFather Your dedication, passion, and relentless pursuit of knowledge have truly set you apart in the field. This award is a well-deserved recognition of your outstanding contributions to research and the impact you’ve made in your area of expertise.

Your commitment to advancing the boundaries of knowledge is not only commendable but also inspiring. Your work serves as a beacon for others in the academic community, showcasing the heights that can be reached through passion and hard work.

May this award be a stepping stone to even greater achievements in your research journey. Your resilience and brilliance are truly deserving of this honor. Here’s to celebrating your success and the continued excellence you bring to the world of research!

Professional Profiles:
Bio Summary:

Prof. Dr. Valentina Yanko is an accomplished marine geologist and geoarchaeologist with a distinguished academic career spanning several decades. She has made significant contributions to Quaternary science, focusing on areas such as sea-level change, coastline migration, and human adaptation in the Caspian-Black Sea-Mediterranean Corridors. Her expertise extends to foraminifera as environmental indicators, pollution studies, and the impact of methane on marine ecosystems. As the President of the Avalon Institute of Applied Sciences and a Head of multiple departments at ONU, she has led numerous international conferences and field trips. Recognized with various awards for her excellence in science, education, and program development, Prof. Yanko continues to shape the field through extensive research, publications, and leadership roles.

  • Dr. Sc. (Habilitation) in Stratigraphy and Palaeontology, Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University, Russia, 1989
  • Ph.D. in Stratigraphy and Palaeontology, Odessa I.I.Mechnikov State University, Ukraine, 1974
  • Postdoctoral Appointments in 1978 and 1980, Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University, Russia
  • MSc in Mineral Prospecting and Marine Geology, Odessa I.I.Mechnikov State University, Ukraine, 1970
Research Focus:
  • Marine geology, geoarchaeology
  • Quaternary sea-level change, coastline migration
  • Human adaptive strategies in Caspian-Black Sea-Mediterranean Corridors
  • Foraminifera as indicators of environmental stress and hydrocarbon reservoirs
  • Meiofauna as indicators of pollution
  • Formation processes, spatial distribution of methane, and hydrocarbon gases in the Black Sea
  • Sea-level change and human adaptive strategies
Professional Journey:
  • President, Avalon Institute of Applied Sciences Inc., Canada (1998–present)
  • Full Professor and Head of the Department of Physical and Marine Geology, Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University (ONU), Ukraine (1990–present)
  • Senior Research Scientist, Tel Aviv University, Israel (1992–1998)
  • President, Anamed Ltd. Scientific Services, Israel (1998–1996)
  • Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, ONU (1970–1990)
Honors & Awards:
  • Award of Excellence in Science and Student Education, Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine
  • Award of Excellence in Development of Scientific Programs and Research Projects in Earth Sciences, Zaporozhye National University
  • Extraordinary Contribution to UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP 610 project, University of Palermo
  • Award of Excellence in Students Education, Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University
  • Certificate and Medal of the third degree of the All-Ukrainian Union of Geologists
  • Woman of the Year, the American Biographical Institute
Publications Top Noted:
  • Total number of publications ~400, including 12 monographs
  • Editor of 27 books, proceedings, abstract volumes, field-trip guides
  • Selected contributions cover Quaternary biostratigraphy, paleoenvironmental reconstructions, pollution indicators, methane influence on foraminifera, and Black Sea transgressions
  • Quaternary foraminifera of the Caspian-Black Sea-Mediterranean Corridors: Volume 2: Black Sea foraminifera
    • Author: Yanko, V.
    • Published: 2022
    • Pages: 1–453
  • INQUA Focus Group SACCOM: 1709 “Ponto-Caspian Stratigraphy and Geochronology (POCAS)”
    • Authors: Yanko-Hombach, V., Makeev, A., Yanina, T., Lahijani, H.
    • Published: 2021
    • Journal: Quaternary International
    • Volume: 590
    • Pages: 1–4
  • Palynomorphs in surface sediments of the North-Western Black Sea as indicators of environmental conditions
    • Authors: Mudie, P.J., Yanko-Hombach, V.V., Mudryk, I.
    • Published: 2021
    • Journal: Quaternary International
    • Volume: 590
    • Pages: 122–145
    • Citations: 5
  • Mud-volcanic deposits of methane gas hydrates in the Black Sea
    • Authors: Shnyukov, Y., Kobolev, V., Yanko, V.
    • Published: 2021
    • Journal: E3S Web of Conferences
    • Volume: 230
    • Pages: 01005
  • INQUA focus group SACCOM: 1709 “Ponto-Caspian stratigraphy and geochronology (POCAS)”
    • Author: Yanko-Hombach, V.
    • Published: 2020
    • Journal: Quaternary International
    • Volume: 540
    • Pages: 1–9
  • Research Metrics:
    • Citations: 1,004
    • Documents: 43
    • h-index: 14
Research Timeline:
  • 1965–1970: MSc student, Department of Physical and Marine Geology, ONU
  • 1970–1974: PhD student, Department of Physical and Marine Geology, ONU
  • 1974–1977: Assistant Professor, Department of Physical and Marine Geology, ONU
  • 1977–1979: Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical and Marine Geology, ONU
  • 1979–1990: Associate Professor, Department of Physical and Marine Geology, ONU
  • 1992–1993: Senior Research Scientist, Department of Geophysics and Planetary Science, Tel Aviv University, Israel
  • 1992–1998: Senior Research Scientist, Institute for Nature Conservation Research, Tel Aviv University, Israel
  • 1998–present: President and Head of the Department of Environmental Micropalaeontology, Avalon Institute of Applied Science, Canada
  • 2007–present: Head of the Scientific and Educational Center of Geoarchaeology, Marine and Environmental Geology, ONU
  • 2012–present: Head of the Department of Physical and Marine Geology, ONU